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2 jahre
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PLC, Motor, Lager, Getriebe, Motor, Druckbehälter, Getriebe, Pumpe, cooling pad for pig, chicken shed cooling pad, cooling pad and fan, evaporative cooling pad frame, evaporative cooling pad pvc, honey comb cooling pad, poultry pad cooling system, mobile water cooling pad, evaporative fan cooling pad, cooling pad poultry house fan, poultry control shed cooling pad, philippines cooling pad for sale, cooling pad nano on side, high quality celdek cooling pad, cooling pads industrial air cooler, pvc plastic cooling pad frame, water cooling pad farm pig, wet curtain evaporative cooling pad, cooling and heating mattress pad, cooling pad with plastic frame, green evaporative cooling pad paper, evaporative cooling pad pvc frame, cooling air filter pad greenhouse, water cooling pad for poultry, big-dutchman cooling pad, cooling pad unit side wall, cooling pads for air washers, plastic material evaporative cooling pad, plastic air evaporative cooling pad, cooling pad for pig farm, plastic cooling pad for greenhouse, pad fan evaporative cooling system, exhaust fan and cooling pad, pad and fan greenhouse cooling system, evaporative cooling pad for evaporative machine, water paper air cooler evaporative cooling pad, greenhouse evaporative cooling pad for malaysia, easy clean cooling pad for poultry farm, cooling pad, evaporative cooling pad, plastic cooling pad, cooling pad for mobile phone, cooling pad making machine, cooling pad machine, gel cooling pad, cooling pad production line, plastic evaporative cooling pad, cooling pad / bracket, greenhouse cooling pad system, cooling pad for poultry farm, cooling pad system, honeycomb cooling pad
Shandong, China
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Cooling PAD
Cooling Paper:
From Finland
Frame Materidal:
Brown Green
Chicken house, Greenhouse
By sea
evaprative cooling pad

Verpackung und Lieferung

Details zur Verpackung
carton box
Packaging according to your needs Sample support hair parts
Keywords:cooling pad type 7060 evaporative black cooling pad green house cooling pad air cooler evaporated cooling pad plastic material evaporating cooling pad water paper evaporative cooling pad honeycomb cooling pad water air cooler honey comb cooling pad air cooler for fan water-cooling-pad system dog cooling mat, non-toxic gel cooling pad for peo cooling pad afterbirth plastoc cooling pad uterous cooling pad air cooling pad
guangzhou,Yiwu, Ningbo, Shanghai, TIanjin Ship according to your needs


120 Kubikzentimeter/Kubikzentimeter per Day


Menge (Kubikzentimeter)1 - 500501 - 1000 > 1000
Vsl. Dauer (Tage)57Zu verhandeln

Kundenspezifische Anpassung

individuelles Logo
Min. Auftrag: 100
individuelle Verpackung
Min. Auftrag: 100
Min. Auftrag: 100

Produktbeschreibungen vom Lieferanten

1 - 49 Kubikzentimeter
39,00 $
50 - 99 Kubikzentimeter
37,00 $
100 - 499 Kubikzentimeter
35,00 $
>= 500 Kubikzentimeter
34,00 $



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